Upgrade pak for RV Buddy, Electric Range Buddy, Welder Buddy on order (waiting for build) to PLUS version
This is an Order Upgrade Pak for pending RV Buddy, Electric Range Buddy, Welder Buddy orders of any number. It upgrades the order to a PLUS version. If this Upgrade Pak is ordered after after 2 business days (M-F) from the original order you must contact BSA Electronics first to see if your original order qualifies as it may be to far along into the build process. This Upgrade Pak is not for existing Buddy's that are already built.
You must have a Buddy on order FIRST or in your cart before adding this Upgrade Pak, purchasing this upgrade doesn't include a Buddy, it is an Upgrade Pak as titled.
This Upgrade Pak essential allows you to pay the difference in cost between the base Buddy unit (splitter) and the Buddy PLUS variant (manual 2-way switcher). If you originally chose the meter option, you will have the meter on this AUTO version. This Upgrade Pak is not for existing Buddy's that are already built.
The pic shown is of a Dryer Buddy Plus AUTO #11 with the meter option and is only for illustration purposes to show the label and blue status LED. Your unit will have the power cord, outlets and meter as you order it.
See my video demonstration here of a similar unit:
Electric Range Buddy vs. Electric Range Buddy PLUS vs. Electric Range Buddy Plus AUTO
The original Electric Range Buddy model is a splitter (both outlets always live), You can add one of two Upgrade Paks for manual or automatic operation, an Upgrade Pak essential allows you to pay the difference in cost between the original Electric Range Buddy and the Electric Range Buddy Plus AUTO or Electric Range Buddy PLUS AUTO.
What is a Electric Range Buddy Plus? The Electric Range Buddy Plus is a manual 2-way switcher based on the original Electric Range Buddy. It allows you to share your Range outlet (NEMA 14-50) with your EVSE or any appliance like a Bitcoin miner. Only one outlet is live at a time, by default it’s the Range outlet (on the left) with a flip of the switch, power is toggled to the EVSE outlet only. Designed so other members of the house don’t accidentally turn on the Range while you’re charging your EV;
The Electric Range Buddy Plus AUTO is a fully automatic 2-way switcher based on the original Electric Range Buddy Plus It allows you to share your Range outlet with your EVSE without having to flip any switches. Basic operation is simple, the Range outlet is always live and the EVSE outlet is only live when there is enough amperage available to charge your EV. When the Range is off it is drawing little to no amps so the EVSE outlet is switched on allowing your EV to charge. If the Range is turned on at any time then the EVSE outlet is switched off, when the Range is switched off, power is restored to the EVSE outlet and if your EV needs charging it will resume charging. Designed so other members of the house don't have to understand anything technical to use the Range when they need to cook, See my demo video here to see how auto switching operates: Buddy Plus AUTO with kWh meter Demo
For the PLUS and Plus Auto models the meter is wired to read system Voltage and only meter the Current flowing through the EVSE outlet, unlike the original Electric Range Buddy where the meter reads all Current flowing through the unit. In this configuration the Kilowatt Hours (kWh's) will only accumulate for Energy flowing through the EVSE outlet (on the right of the face) this value is stored between power outages and may be reset when you like. This allows you to see only the Energy your Electric vehicle has consumed.
Note: Some Appliances slowly ramp their power draw and/or don't draw significant current (over 3.5 amps) while running, which will cause the RV Buddy Plus AUTO, Electric Range Buddy Plus AUTO, Welder Buddy Plus AUTO to switch the EVSE outlet off or it may switch several times in a short period. For these appliances we recommend either the PLUS version, that unit offers manual switching between outlets or adding the Delay Controller Upgrade Pak to the Buddy Plus AUTO unit, The delay kit solves this issue; Delay Controller Upgrade Pak. If you are using a Buddy Plus AUTO unit to share one outlet and charge two EV’s (no Appliance) then you will definitely need the Delay Controller Upgrade Pak.
Need some extra length between your Range outlet and Electric Range Buddy™ or between the Electric Range Buddy™ and your Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)? I custom build extension cords to the length your need and with the plug and outlet of your choice, see my extensions in the Adapter’s section for several models; Extension Cords
Email me with your custom request
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